3D Colony Sim Demo
A basic colony sim created in full 3D, inspired by games like banished.
A windows version is available for download on the itch page.
For an in depth breakdown please see the Manual
Buildings are rotated using the R key. The camera is rotated using Q and E, use mouse wheel to zoom and hold shift to pitch.
Here is a quick step by step guide for the game:
- Place the initial Barn and Walkers
Build a new Stockpile so building materials can be stored
Harvest some Stones and Logs by dragging over Trees and Rocks
Place a house on the map, walkers will start clearing the ground and delivering materials
Increase the Builder quantity to one so a walker actually builds the house
A woodcutter can turn Logs into Firewood that keeps walkers from freezing
Assign woodcutters that will work at the building
- Build one or two additional houses, if food from the initial barn runs out harvest some berries
A properly worked field will yield a large amount of potatoes once a year
Assign farmers to work the fields
A forester can automatically harvest and replant trees
A gatherer can automatically harvest berries without destroying the bush
A market automatically distributes wood and food which decreases downtime from other walkers that have to get materials from the next barn. It needs a road
going from the market to the houses which will be followed by the